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September 03, 2021

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 20:01]
Let’s look at 3 states and their governors.

Texas - Abbott
Florida - DeSantis
South Carolina - McMaster

What do the governors of these 3 “Republican” states have in common?

Hint: Crickets

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 20:12]
A Glance Into The Future

2020 election is not fixed and the illegal Communist regime remains in power.

2022: With the continued use of the computer voting fraud machines and mail ballots, the Communists solidify their gains and lock down all key elected positions.

2024: No elections. The Communists simply tell you who the leader of the country will be. Why waste more time and money with holding another rigged election since the Communists will have already solidified their positions of power and control over the “government” AND the people?

Moral of the Story: We The People better FIX 2020 NOW in 2021. 2022 is too late.

Too late is too late. Always has been. Always will be.

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 20:58]
I have spoken TRUTH about certain “elected” officials like Marjorie Taylor Greene of GA, Gov. Kemp of GA, Gov. Abbot of Texas, Gov. DeSantis of Florida, etc., etc., etc. who are taking no action to audit and FIX the 2020 election.

They are perfectly willing to allow an illegal Communist regime to stay in power in this country.

Simple TRUTH: 1+1=2

Simple TRUTH: Any “elected” official OR candidate who is not taking any action to audit and FIX the 2020 election is a Communist or a Communist sympathizer.

It is time to call them out and expose them for who they really are and what they really want for America: Communism. A ruling elite and a servant class. One world government.

When you see them in public, SHAME them. Not by shouting FIX 2020 but by shouting, “Communist!”

If you want to save your freedom and your country, stop being shy and polite. Have the courage to speak TRUTH.

Courage is contagious.

Be a “super-spreader” of courage.

As Jarrin “Live Local” Jackson makes clear:

It is time to go to war.

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 21:10]
Speaking TRUTH is not going to win you a popularity contest but it will save your freedom.

I review my Reply Channel periodically.

Simple TRUTH: I have had enough of the repliers who express concern or complain that by truthfully calling out the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron DeSantis, etc. I am “dividing” the Patriots. Are you kidding me? If you feel that way, write your words of complicity, appeasement, and cowardice on another channel.

Haven’t you figured it out yet???

I came to this political fight to divide you.

To divide you between Patriots and traitors. Between those who want freedom and those who want Communism. Between the courageous and the cowards. Between those who walk the walk and those who simply talk the talk.

I have ZERO desire to be in a political movement that includes communists and communist sympathizers.

Do you?

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 21:16]
I am not going to bet against you, Jarrin.

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 21:16]
[Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)]
I almost wanna make a bet that they’ll try to forego elections in 2022...

Lin Wood, [01.09.21 21:23]
Just remember that when you agree to one unlawful condition for your perceived present convenience or comfort, your are agreeing to ALL unlawful conditions thereafter required of you.

Communism starts with one small step to gain control over you. Then the Communists pick up the pace and march you straight to tyranny.

So choose wisely when you are “mandated” to agree to an unlawful condition.

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