Robert W Malone, MD
Will ‘Forever Boosting’ Beat the Coronavirus?
New York Times
(Jan 6, 2022)
The NY Times had a piece that waffles back and forth as to whether after “THE THIRD BOOSTER,” it is time to stop or change vaccines. Below are some of the notable statements of that article:
All the advisers acknowledged that they were obligated to make difficult choices, based on sparse research, in the middle of a public health emergency. But some said they felt compelled to vote for the shots because of the way the federal agencies framed the questions that they were asked to consider.
Other committee experts said that they wanted to avoid confusing the public further by dissenting, or that they voted according to their views of the evidence and were simply overruled.
“These are not evidence-based recommendations,” said Dr. Sarah S. Long, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, and a member of the C.D.C.’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (
But the immunity boost is transient; already preliminary studies are showing a decline in antibody levels just weeks after a third dose. And even at peak antibody levels, the boost does not uniformly prevent infection with Omicron, which is less vulnerable to the body’s immune defenses.
“It doesn’t make sense to keep boosting against a strain that’s already gone,” said Ali Ellebedy, an immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis.
This is starting to sound to my ear like the approved narrative is crumbling, a few of the culpable who succumbed to the mass formation are coming to realize that they are going to have to live with awareness of some seriously bad decisions that they have made, and that the underlying logic of the Fauci/Biden COVID-19 public policies have some serious flaws.
But I think that this quote from former collaborator Dr. Nathalie Dean (who is very invested in the currently dominant paradigms) may provide the best closing summary of the situation:
“We’re going somewhere fast, but we don’t know where we’re going,” said Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University in Atlanta. “Whatever the future holds, it just needs to be clear what the goal is.”
The government is now officially wandering, lost in the wilderness of their own private mass formation hell. Except it is not only their hell, but also ours. Perhaps a bit less propaganda and censorship, and a bit more listening to other opinions might finally be in order?
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Patrick Byrne
(Sept 19 2022)
(2 minute video)
Election Fraud Cast Vote Records
95% of 570 Cast Vote Records examined determined fraudulent votes
Patrick Byrne
(Sept 6, 2022)
(2 minute video)
Patrick talks about the precinct captains have a right to REQUIRE a HAND COUNT. After the ballots have ran through the machines (before the precinct captains sign a certification for the results). If they don't match don't sign to certify the results.