JUNE 5, 2022
FASTER, PLEASE: A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient.
It was a small trial, just 18 rectal cancer patients, every one of whom took the same drug.
But the results were astonishing. The cancer vanished in every single patient, undetectable by physical exam, endoscopy, PET scans or M.R.I. scans.
Dr. Luis A. Diaz Jr. of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, an author of a paper published Sunday in the New England Journal of Medicine describing the results, which were sponsored by the drug company GlaxoSmithKline, said he knew of no other study in which a treatment completely obliterated a cancer in every patient. . . .
Not expecting a complete response to dostarlimab, Ms. Roth had planned to move to New York for radiation, chemotherapy and, possibly surgery after the trial ended. To preserve her fertility after the expected radiation treatment, she had her ovaries removed and put back under her ribs.
After the trial, Dr. Cercek gave her the news.
“We looked at your scans,” she said. “There is absolutely no cancer.” She did not need any further treatment.
“I told my family,” Ms. Roth said. “They didn’t believe me.”
But two years later, she still does not have a trace of cancer.
Faster, please.
Patrick Byrne
(Sept 19 2022)
(2 minute video)
Election Fraud Cast Vote Records
95% of 570 Cast Vote Records examined determined fraudulent votes
Patrick Byrne
(Sept 6, 2022)
(2 minute video)
Patrick talks about the precinct captains have a right to REQUIRE a HAND COUNT. After the ballots have ran through the machines (before the precinct captains sign a certification for the results). If they don't match don't sign to certify the results.