Epoch Times
(Dec 7, 2022)
USA Supreme Court Considers Brunson v. Adams Case to Overturn 2020 Election to remove 385 members of Congress including Biden & Harris ...
(see article link below how to write letter supporting the case)
Patrick Byrne (former CEO of OverStock.com)
(Dec 12, 2022)
Support Brunson Case at SCOTUS!!!
Juan O Savin (who is bringing the lawsuit to the USA Supreme Court) has suggested that WE THE PEOPLE should send out letters in support of the Brunson case, as follows:
1. Get 2 envelopes, 2 stamps, 2 pieces of paper.
2. On each piece of paper write attention to the “9 Supreme Court Justices”. Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No.: 22-380. Sign your name and date it. You can write more. It’s that simple.
Here’s a link to a template letter to personalize/print:
3. You now have either 2 handwritten copies or 2 printed copies.
4. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.
5. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd., Apt. 132, Ogden, Utah 84403. They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks.
6. URGENT, the case is slated for JANUARY 6th. Mail your letters!
7. Share with friends & family.
WILL SCOTUS TAKE THIS ON? The Four Brunson Brothers Are Suing Biden, Harris, Pence And 385 Members of Congress for Refusing to Investigate Whether ‘Enemies of The Constitution’ Rigged The 2020 Presidential Election
Additional Information below:
10 minute video by Patrick Byrne discussing the Bombshell USA Supreme Court case
Patrick M Byrne
(Nov 28, 2022)
A Scowling SCOTUS & the Brunson Long-Shot
Connect with Patrick Byrne and other members of Patrick Byrne community
A Scowling SCOTUS & the Brunson Long-Shot
SCOTUS just loaded a gun, cocked the hammer, put it to the head of Congress, and said: "No funny business, youse hear?!?!"
Watch the full video on Locals:
Folks, here's the case that Patrick was talking about.
Patrick Byrne
(Sept 19 2022)
(2 minute video)
Election Fraud Cast Vote Records
95% of 570 Cast Vote Records examined determined fraudulent votes
Patrick Byrne
(Sept 6, 2022)
(2 minute video)
Patrick talks about the precinct captains have a right to REQUIRE a HAND COUNT. After the ballots have ran through the machines (before the precinct captains sign a certification for the results). If they don't match don't sign to certify the results.