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August 01, 2024

The Vigilant Fox 🦊
(August 1, 2024)

Dan Bongino asks how a basic cell phone video can capture a person running on the roof but the Secret Service with high-powered equipment missed it entirely.

“How do you miss this?!”

“This is a cell phone camera. It’s not even focused, and you can still see a figure moving on the roof.”

, who served in the Secret Service for over a decade, points out, “90 minutes in advance, someone had been notified within the tactical elements...that there was a shadowy figure making furtive movements at the site.”

Despite being told multiple times, “The security room failed. The PI team failed. The CSU team failed. The post standards failed. The shift failed, the DL failed. The locals—nobody stopped,” Bongino lamented.

“You’re expecting people to believe the implausible because they can’t believe the alternative, that this much incompetence was displayed on the same day,” Bongino said.
(3 minute video)

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September 19, 2022
Election Fraud Cast Vote Records

Patrick Byrne
(Sept 19 2022)
(2 minute video)
Election Fraud Cast Vote Records
95% of 570 Cast Vote Records examined determined fraudulent votes

September 06, 2022
Patrick Byrne Precinct Captains can REQUIRE a HAND COUNT

Patrick Byrne
(Sept 6, 2022)

(2 minute video)

Patrick talks about the precinct captains have a right to REQUIRE a HAND COUNT. After the ballots have ran through the machines (before the precinct captains sign a certification for the results). If they don't match don't sign to certify the results.

September 05, 2022
Fire Truck Blocked in Los Angeles Yesterday

Freedom Jody@FreedomJody
(Sept 5, 2022)

Yesterday in Los Angeles.
They should all be arrested!
Every. Last. One. Of. Them!

(1 minute video)
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